Sunday, September 30, 2012

Field Trip to Remington Park

Today was the first field trip for Everyday Discoveries Preschool.  The children have been learning all about trees/the forest… what grows on trees, the parts of a tree, animals in the forest, etc.  Today we ventured to Remington Pond and walked a trail through the woods stopping to explore and discover every little thing their hearts desired.  We compared leaves, we felt and described moss, we did a  scavenger hunt to find spider webs, clouds, a bird, a stick that looked like a "y", red leaves, yellow leaves, tree bark, etc.  They were so happy each time they found something!  Before the walk began, each child was given a "treasure bag" to hold their goodies they found.  They shoved every little thing they could into those bags and were so proud it was their treasure.  After the hour walk, we stopped for a picnic and enjoyed PBJ's, carrot sticks, apples, and cheese sticks with milk to drink.  As the kids finished they were given clip boards with paper and crayons and they were able to draw anything they wanted from their nature walk.  Some were very serious about it and some were creative {yep, Gavin falls into that category}… his was all about him and daddy riding in a race car through the forest trying to go fast to reach the finish line.  He did include a tree somewhere in his drawing I think.  Then the fun began, the kids were able to dump their treasure bags and add the items to a huge nature collage they would bring back to school and put on display.  It looked amazing when finished.  We finished with a few minutes at the play ground and before we knew it the time had come to load up and head back to school.  It was a great first field trip and we're already looking forward to the next {starts with "fire"… ends with "station"}.  

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