Sunday, September 30, 2012

Black River Trail

After picking Gavin up from school Friday, the kids were still talking about the nature walk at Remington Park the day prior and how much fun it was.  We went home to get Gavin's bike and decided to continue the nature exploration with a trip to Black River Trail.  I've always wanted to go, but we've never managed to actually make it happen in the past.  With the leaves changing and nothing on our agenda, it was the perfect excuse to go.  I'm glad we did.  We brought Gavin's bike and I carried Stella part of the way in the Kelty and the other half of the trip she just walked/ran/explored.  It was great exercise for them both and I could tell they remembered a lot from the field trip.  Gavin was on a constant hunt for scat and used his backpack as a drink and treasure holder.  There were several places along the trail to venture off and explore rocks, the water, and even a corn field.  Gavin was MESMERIZED by the corn field.  I let him open a couple of the stalks and he was so amazed to discover corn inside (one of his favorite side dishes).  Sorry to whomever the farmer may be, we may or may not have brought a couple ears home with us to look at!  There were a few tears shed on our last quarter mile.  The kids reached their limit and were DONE.  Stella didn't want to walk or be in the carrier.  Sitting on the floor crying was much more up her alley.  Gavin wanted to carry Stella IN the back pack so that didn't end well either.  I was so thankful when we could see our car in site and noticed a couple of our friends had pulled in to do a walk of their own.  It was a nice distraction from the fits that had just occurred!  

Once we arrived back home I had to quickly get showered and ready for a 2-14 coffee.  I'm so glad I got a sitter and went.  A group of us ladies ended up staying at the coffee until almost 2am chatting, laughing, and having a grande ole time!  I knew I'd regret the decision in the morning staying out so late, but sometimes when your husband is away training with no means of communication its just great to have other spouses in the same boat ready and willing to have a good time!  I can foresee great relationships building with these ladies that will carry us through the deployment and I'm very thankful for that!

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